Residential Building
T H E B U I L D E R is more than someone who pours the concrete and sets the cornerstone in place. He is more than someone who drives the nails in the lumber, who pulls the miles of electrical wire and who solders the maze of plumbing together. He is more than a person who reads the plans and then erects the walls. The builder is a craftsman and an artist who brings forth your dream and sculpts an heirloom that will carry your family’s vision forward through generations to come.
B U I L D I N G A H O M E is a complex and challenging undertaking. Each facet of construction is unique and requires specialized persons to ensure that your home is the highest quality home available today. Rocky Mountain Builders has assembled a team of experts and craftsmen, each recognized as leaders in their field, to ensure that your home receives the highest quality construction available anywhere.

C H O O S I N G A B U I L D E R is arguably the most important decision you will make following a decision to build a new home. The builder, in tandem with the designer/architect, should be expected to capture your dreams, your personality and your hopes for your family’s security and future in your new home. We recognize that the character of your new home is a reflection of who you are. At Rocky Mountain Builders, we appreciate the important fact that we are building much more than a house. We are helping you to create a legacy that will carry your commitment to excellence on to your children, your grandchildren and to your family generations to come.
O U R M I S S I O N is to sustain highly efficient administrative and field operations that support building the highest quality heirloom custom homes and commercial structures available in the construction marketplace and to maintain a business culture that fosters long lasting relationships with all our clients, employees and business partners.